Author: UncleWanKenobi

The Rescue

There is an elephant in the room, and that elephant’s name is Luke Skywalker. Chapter 16 of The Mandalorian ended with a familiar face (or at least, an uncanny approximation of a familiar face), and feelings are pretty mixed on it. Some folks are over the moon about it;...

The Superhero Equation

I love connections and correlation. I communicate entirely in comparisons. If you’ve ever heard me describe something that I enjoyed, I cannot help explaining it as a combination of two things that I think/hope you already like. To me, that is a positive thing. To me, that’s praise. To...

What Are You Good For?

It is currently 4am as I sit here writing this. Me being awake at stupid o’clock is not unusual: I’ve suffered from insomnia since before I can remember, and my chronic illness only makes things worse. What is unusual though is the thing rattling around in my head. Normally...


There is a lot happening in the world right now, and as I sit here writing this, part of me feels like I shouldn’t. People are protesting for their lives, freedoms, and justice, and trying to write, or speak, or think about anything else feels like a selfish distraction....

Uncle Wan Kenobi

The last post I wrote was a horrific wall of text and grimness and nothing else, but today we’re going to be talking about Obi-Wan Kenobi which means that I can include pictures. Now that yesterday’s shortcomings have been corrected, we can move onto today’s primary objective: making people...

What’s Wrong With You, Dude?

Anyone who has known me or followed me for a while will probably have heard me mention my health difficulties. I have a disability, but you probably won’t have heard me call it that. I’ll have talked about my “medical shenanigans”, or my “chronic illness”, but never the D-word....