Category: Real Life

What Are You Good For?

It is currently 4am as I sit here writing this. Me being awake at stupid o’clock is not unusual: I’ve suffered from insomnia since before I can remember, and my chronic illness only makes things worse. What is unusual though is the thing rattling around in my head. Normally...


There is a lot happening in the world right now, and as I sit here writing this, part of me feels like I shouldn’t. People are protesting for their lives, freedoms, and justice, and trying to write, or speak, or think about anything else feels like a selfish distraction....

What’s Wrong With You, Dude?

Anyone who has known me or followed me for a while will probably have heard me mention my health difficulties. I have a disability, but you probably won’t have heard me call it that. I’ll have talked about my “medical shenanigans”, or my “chronic illness”, but never the D-word....